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Add the lights and shadows on the clothing and armor. If you are drawing the face and hair, add lights and shadows there. (Remember, you do not need to add as much detail in the face and hair since our focus is on the expression of drapery).
Next week will be dedicated to finishing touches. In order for me to give you feedback, send me a photo of what your drawing looks like on Sunday.
When drawing and painting folds, the best advice is to build visual experience by observing different materials on different forms. I don't recommend to try to draw from imagination in the beginning but instead, try to accumulate visual information through observational drawing. Only then, you will able to draw folds from memory on any form or figure.
Towards the end of the first lesson, we drew a hypothetical round object, covered by a cloth. I showed you the simplified way to create a really schematic sketch. If you were to try to develop it further into a realistic drawing, you would bump into a lot of problems because you're not yet informed about the nuances of lights and shadows, where the fabric is translucent, etc.
The way animation artists or illustrators are trained, is by drawing still lifes and human figures for hours and hours. Fabric is a part of that training.
Unfortunately there is no shortcut. This course will help you know what to expect when drawing from observation. Because even when drawing form observation, it's easy to miss details when you don't have enough sketching experience from life.
This course will move you closer to that ability because it combines theory and practice, but not enough to give you that autopilot ability like masters have. Behind the effortless sketches of masters is hundreds of hours of practice, based on observation.
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