PART A: Complete your classroom landscape drawing. Take it to the doneness that clearly shows:
- the areas of the foreground with a variety of textures and high degree of detail
- depth of shadows
- softness of distant planes
- luminosity of lit areas
PART B: To create a conscious awareness of the mind’s shift, in writing describe in a couple of paragraphs your experience with this drawing. Analyzing may feel like re-living the process which helps you wrap your brain around it. Verbalizing the process of drawing helps your mind seal the new skills. Use these questions as prompts:
- Analyze your experience of both the struggles and effortlessness with the project
- Have you noticed a moment where your brain wants you to do something and you argue by saying, “I don’t think so”?
- Which thoughts caused the resistance and during what moment in the project?
- What awakened the feeling of ease and playfulness?
- Which tools and tips helped you attain that feeling and maintain that effortlessness (R-brain mode)?
Super bonus
This assignment may require some travel! Have fun with it!
- Take a few photographs of an area in nature that has a lot of texture which makes the image cluttered, complex, and even a little confusing:
- a creek with reeds, reflections, weeping willows, and bushes, etc
- a mountainous area with textured rocks and vegetation
- a garden with entwined tree branches, flowers, and climbing vines, etc
- Print your image, then follow the same steps we took in class to make a drawing from it.