Narrative drawing is the art of creating stories. If you like comics and admire artists who design characters and environments for animation, if you want to learn how to create illustrations that tell stories, enjoy filling your sketchbooks with expressive drawings, if you have passion for creating from imagination, in this course you will have six weeks of building these skills. You will learn a range of techniques to help you develop your creative ideas into colorful expressive stories.
This course may open for you a new form of art that may be applicable professionally. For example, do you want to illustrate your own books? Do you have visions that you’d love to get on paper? Have you been attracted to game design and looking for guidance on how to express action? Do you admire illustrators who have distinct styles? Do you want to develop this ability to tell visual stories?
In this course, you will begin to acquire a lot of new skills, work from texts, learn how to break stories into visual components, compose images packed with action, draw using your own photographs to produce an expressive continuum, etc.
Bring your stories to live on the pages of your sketchbook. We will be experimenting with a new approach each week, and at the end of the course, we will have several sequences that are referred to as narrative drawings.
Get inspired! You'll do similar projects in class.
Frequently Asked Questions
All of our classes are online via Zoom. Our instructors and our students have fallen in love with the online format. Our students are getting incredible results from our online sessions: students attend more classes, make more art, are getting better faster, and still enjoy the benefits of in-person lessons like personalized feedback and a wonderful community, all from the comfort of their home.
Plus, no more traffic, lugging supplies back and forth, or trying to find parking. And now there are recordings of every session!
All live courses come with recordings unless otherwise specified. If you miss a class, you'll be able to catch up by means of the recordings. You'll have unlimited access to recordings for a year.
Each course has a specific supply list. Click here to see supplies for this course.
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